Summer School ‘Open Science in Practice’

Date(s) - 02/09/2019 - 06/09/2019
All Day

This course will give early career researchers in both experimental and computations sciences the chance to get tips and tricks from a group of passionate researchers who practice open science on a daily basis.
No preliminary knowledge of open science is required.


The course will take place over five days, with a large part of the program dedicated to hands-on activities, workshops and tutorials. Instructors will present their experience and expertise on how you can adopt open science tools and best practice to your research more efficient, reproducible, visible and impactful.

The five-day summer school will cover general aspects of open science, as well as topics specific to two different tracks:

  • Experimental sciences
    • Examples of successful open projects
    • Documenting your methods for reproducible research results
    • Introduction to, R, Wikipedia and other very useful tools
    • Introduction to the world of publications, code documentation and data management
  • Computational sciences
    • Examples of successful open projects
    • Reproducible data science
    • Good practice in software engineering
    • Advanced code management

+ info

  • Deadline for registration: July 1st at 17:00
  • Dates: 2 – 6 September 2019
  • Place: EPFL, Lausanne
  • Website:
  • Contact:


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