LEARN day “Technologies and robotics for innovation in education”
Date(s) - 27/11/2019
All Day
LEARN (The Centre for Learning Sciences at EPFL), NCCR Robotics and Swiss EdTech Collider organise the first event on the translational research for innovation in education. In order to encourage evidence-based practice and practice-informed research, this community event encourages the dialogue between a wide range of actors contributing to innovation in the field of education, such as: teachers, researchers, school administrators and entrepreneurs.
Whether it’s educational robots for primary school, MOOCs for higher education, FabLabs and investigative learning in STEM, or virtual reality for professional training, we are open to innovation at all levels of education, but with a shared goal: a two-way translation between research and practice to create a positive and lasting impact on education in Switzerland.
The event will happen on November 27th, in Bern.