Robert Riener
Institution: ETH Zurich
Lab: Management Team, Sensory-Motor Systems Lab (SMS)
Function: NCCR Co-Director & Professor
Phone: +41 44 632 66 79
Robert Riener is Full Professor for Sensory-Motor Systems at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology, ETH Zurich. As he holds a Double-Professorship with the University of Zurich, he is also active in the Spinal Cord Injury Center of the Balgrist University Hospital (Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich).
Robert Riener obtained his doctoral degree from the TU München in 1997. Since he began working in Zurich, he has developed robots and interaction methods for motor learning in rehabilitation and sports.
His current research interests involve human motion synthesis, exoskeletons and other wearable robotics, biomechanics, virtual reality, man-machine interaction and rehabilitation robotics, along with being the founder and head of the Cybathlon.