Authors: Bernreiter, Lukas; Gawel, Abel; Sommer, Hannes; Nieto, Juan; Siegwart, Roland; Cadena Lerma, Cesar
In this letter, we present a semantic mapping approach with multiple hypothesis tracking for data association. As semantic information has the potential to overcome ambiguity in measurements and place recognition, it forms an eminent modality for autonomous systems. This is particularly evident in urban scenarios with several similar-looking surroundings. Nevertheless, it requires the handling of a non-Gaussian and discrete random variable coming from object detectors. Previous methods facilitate semantic information for global localization and data association to reduce the instance ambiguity between the landmarks. However, many of these approaches do not deal with the creation of completely globally consistent representations of the environment and typically do not scale well. We utilize multiple hypothesis trees to derive a probabilistic data association for semantic measurements by means of position, instance, and class to create a semantic representation. We propose an optimized mapping method and make use of a pose graph to derive a novel semantic SLAM solution. Furthermore, we show that semantic covisibility graphs allow for a precise place recognition in urban environments. We verify our approach using real-world outdoor dataset and demonstrate an average drift reduction of 33% w.r.t. the raw odometry source. Moreover, our approach produces 55% less hypotheses on average than a regular multiple hypothesis approach.
- Published in: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (Volume: 4 , Issue: 4)
- DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2019.2925756
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- Date: 2019