Yi Zhou

Home Lab:
Research School of Engineering, with Prof. Hongdong Li, Dr. Laurent Kneip, Dr. Yuchao Dai
Home University:
Australian National University
Visiting Lab:
Robotics and Perception Group (RPG) with Prof. Davide Scaramuzza
Visiting University:
University of Zurich, Switerland
Year of visit:
6 months in 2017/2018
Semi-Dense 3D Reconstruction with a Stereo Event Camera
1. Were you able to fulfill all your planned objectives?
With the supervision from both RPG and my home University, I successfully finish the goal in my proposal. The results lead to a paper, which has been accepted by ECCV 2018 – one of the top conference in computer vision.
2. Did this experience inspire/enable you to continue your career?
This visiting experience no doubt expands my horizons and enables me to stay in touch with a group of smart people in my field. No matter I will stay in academia or move to industry, this experience helps me a lot to my future career.
3. Did your host lab contribute to the quality of your research?
Definitely yes. Prof. Davide Scaramuzza and Dr. Guillermo Gallego provided me with very detailed supervision, such as helping to write a good proposal, incrementally leading me on the correct path to the goal, carefully rendering my paper, and finally guiding me to finish an awesome video demo step by step.
4. Do you feel your association with NCCR Robotics has had an overall impact on your studies and future career?
As I said before, this visiting experience no doubt expands my horizons and enables me to stay in touch with a group of smart people in my field. No matter I will stay in academia or move to industry, this experience helps me a lot to my future career.
5. What are you currently working on and what are your plans for the future?
I am almost ready to submit. The next step would be looking for a job 😉