Soheil Kianzad
Home Lab:
Sensory Perception & Interaction Research Group (SPIN)
Home University:
University of British Columbia, Canada
Visiting Lab:
Computer-Human Interaction in Learning and Instruction (CHILI) with Prof. Pierre Dillenbourg
Visiting University:
EPFL, Switzerland
Year of visit:
4 months in 2019
Haptic Collaboration for Learning
” …This experience has profoundly influenced my approach towards making an impactful educational robot.”
– Soheil
1. Were you able to fulfill all your planned objectives?
Yes. CHILI lab has an extensive background in education and robotics. This experience helped me to shape and extend the collaborative learning chapter of my PhD project.
2. Did this experience inspire/enable you to continue your career?
Yes. Professor Dillenbourg gave me several insightful comments about my PhD project and career advice. I also learned a lot from the state of the art robotics and education projects in his lab. I collaborated with colleagues at CHILI lab and we recently submitted a paper on Robot-Mediated Haptic Collaboration for Learning Linear Functions which I am co-authoring. This visit also helped me to design my user study on understanding the impact of haptics on mutual understanding among learners. We are planning on a second publication for a top tier conference.
3. Did your host lab contribute to the quality of your research?
Yes. I was inspired by many studies that were running in the CHILI lab and I would like to stay in touch with the researchers who are conducting them for further collaboration in the future.
4. Do you feel your association with NCCR Robotics has had an overall impact on your studies and future career?
5. What are you currently working on and what are your plans for the future?
I am working on the last chapter of my thesis, and after finishing my PhD I would like to contribute and work in the area of education and robotics. My dream is to see the robots that I am working on, in the hands of every kid including my nieces.