Laura Paez
Home Lab:
Biorobotics Lab (BIOROB), with Prof. Auke Ijspeert
Home University:
EPFL, Switzerland
Visiting Lab:
Robotic Systems Lab (RSL), with Prof. Marco Hutter
Visiting University:
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Year of visit:
6 months in 2016
Dynamic enhancement of SEA by combination with direct drive actuators
I had the opportunity to spend 6 months at ETH Zürich thanks to the grant that NCCR awarded me. Among the positive learning that I had, I acquired knowledge in new fields that strength my experience in research on robotics. Additionally, I had the opportunity to co-advise a master thesis student, experience that I found to be enriching and fruitful. In 2017, I started a PhD at EPFL in a lab that is part of NCCR Robotics.