Jessie van Dam
Home Lab:
Cognitive Robotics Lab, with Prof. David Abbink
Home University:
Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Visiting Lab:
Robotic Systems Lab (RSL), with Prof. Marco Hutter
Visiting University:
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Year of visit:
6 months in 2021/2022
Collision detection, isolation and identification for a legged manipulator
1. Were you able to fulfill all your planned objectives?
I was able to finish my master thesis with a paper submission and a good grade, but there is always more to be done on the project.
2. Did this experience inspire/enable you to continue your career?
I know for sure now I want to stay within the field of robotics.
3. Did your host lab contribute to the quality of your research?
Very good supervision (weekly meetings, always available via chat, asked critical questions, helped me with the hardware experiments).
4. Do you feel your association with NCCR Robotics has had an overall impact on your studies and future career?
Because of NCCR Robotics, I had this living abroad experience and I was able to do a very challenging project from which I learned a lot.
5. What are you currently working on and what are your plans for the future?
I recently graduated and I am looking for a temporary job now (3 months) such that I can take holidays afterwards. Next, I will look for a job in the field of robotics.